
MATICS is a scientific publication for widespread research in Computer Science and Information Technology. The journal is published twice a year, in March and September by Department of Informatics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia.

The journal publishes two regular issues annually in the following areas : Algorithms and Complexity; Architecture and Organization; Computational Science; Discrete Structures; Graphics and Visualization; Human-Computer Interaction; Information Assurance and Security; Information Management; Intelligent Systems; Networking and Communication; Operating Systems; Platform-Based Development; Parallel and Distributed Computing; Programming Languages; Software Development Fundamentals; Software Engineering; Systems Fundamentals; Social Issues and Professional Practice.

ISSN (Cetak)       : 1978-161X
e-ISSN (Online)  : 2477-2550



MATICS online repository and author services :

SK Pengelola Journal : SK Pengelola Jurnal Matic