Student Exchange 2017

Student exchange 2017 was a collaboration program with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The event was held on July-August 2017. The students from Jurusan Teknik Informatika who joined with the program were :

No. Nama ID / NIM
1 Muhammad Iqbal Muzakki 13650026
2 Asmarani Pratama 14650071
3 M Galang Arbi S 14650027
4 Muhammad Muharrom Al Haromainy 13650027
5 M Fairuz Zumar Rounaqi 13650100
6 Naufaldi Rafif S 14650069
7 Afrizal Setyo W 14650018
8 Innamul Hassan 13650019
9 Ade Sofiarani 13650032
10 Irvan Ariyanto 13650104
11 Muhammad Hilmi Hafid 14650011
12 Afrizal Dwi Kusuma 13650079

In this program, the students spent a month at UKM Campus in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia to participate in some activities such as joining with competitive programming class and visiting Malaysia’s industrial site.