Computer Science Department launched a Community Development Program (CDP) 2022 at PP. Daruttauhid Malang. This activity is enabled by the collaboration of Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, and PP. Daruttauhid Malang. The scope of CDP 2022 is on developing academic system for Islamic school. This activity is a part of multi years development program on ICT Based System that is initiated by Computer Science Department UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
The members of CDP 2022 at PP. Daruttauhid Malang are :
Dr. Cahyo Crysdian
Dr. Ririen Kusumawati
Dr. Amin Hariyadi
Irwan Budi Santoso, M.Kom
Supriyono, M.Kom
Bayu Adhi Nugroho, PhD (UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya)
Aan Fuad Subarkah, S.Kom (Master Student)
Heni Prasetyo, S.Kom (Master Student)
Moh. Husnus Syawab (Master Student)
References :
Forum Dekan FST UIN se-Indonesia