Thesis Examination Schedule for Odd Semester 2024/2025 Periode III – stage 4

Announcement for students who have registered Thesis Examination for the Odd Semester Period III, T.A. 2024/2025, that the exam will be held:

No Nama Mhs NIM Ketua Penguji Anggota Penguji I Anggota Penguji II Anggota Penguji III Hari Tanggal Waktu Tempat
1 Heny Rimadana 210605110009 Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.Kom Shoffin Nahwa Utama, M’ Ajib Hanani, M.T Dr. Agung Teguh Wibowo Almais, MT Senin 9 desember 2024 12.00 – 13.00 R. Meeting