Meeting of Evaluation and Preparation for Semester II 2024/2025

The Informatics Engineering Department of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang held an important meeting to evaluate the Odd Semester lectures of the 2024/2025 Academic Year and to prepare for the Even Semester lectures of the 2024/2025 Academic Year. This event took place on Monday morning, 20 Januari 2025 at Dapur Kota Enggal, Jl. Candi Mendut Selatan VII No. 13 Tulusrejo, Lowokwaru, Malang.

The meeting starting at 09.00 WIB and was attended by lecturers and educational staff (tendik) of the Informatics Engineering Study Program. In the discussion of the odd semester evaluation, one of the important points highlighted was the need for students to maintain good manners when communicating with lecturers, especially regarding the academic guidance process. Several lecturers revealed cases of students who had never attended guidance but suddenly submitted exam requests.

The Head of the Informatics Engineering Study Program expressed his hope that in the future communication between students and lecturers would be more structured and in accordance with academic ethics. In addition, the discussion also covered plans and strategies for implementing even semester lectures to make them run more effectively.

The event took place with great enthusiasm and ended with a shared commitment to continue improving the quality of education in the Informatics Engineering Study Program. “Through careful evaluation and planning, we hope to create a conducive and professional academic environment,” said one of the lecturers present.

Thus, this meeting is an important first step in welcoming the new semester with better enthusiasm and commitment.