Post Date: November 1, 2023
announcement for students of the Informatics Engineering Study Program, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang who have registered for the Proposal Seminar Examination for the October Odd Semester Period, T.A. 2023/2024, that the exam will be held on
Date: Tuesday, 31 October 2023
Time: 08.00 s.d. finished
Place: Meeting Room & Reading Room
The participant data is as follows:
No. Nama Mahasiswa NIM Ketua Penguji Anggota Penguji 1 Anggota Penguji II/Pembimbing I Anggota Penguji III/Pembimbing II Hari Tanggal Waktu Tempat 1 Moh. Haidar Fajrul Ulum 17650118 Dr. Muhammad Faisal, M.T Shofin Nahwa Utama, MT Dr. Fachrul Kurniawan ST., M.MT ., IPM Dr. Fresy Nugroho, M.T Kamis 2/11/2023 09.10-10.10 Ruang Meeting 2 Yusabbih Barqu Fakhril Latif 19650010 Dr. Yunifa Miftachul Arif, M.T Supriyono, M.Kom Dr. Muhammad Faisal, M.T Dr. M. Imamudin Lc, MA Kamis 2/11/2023 10.20-11.20 Ruang Meeting