[jaw_section class=”” el_id=”” space_after=”space_after” size=”12″ box_title=”Pedoman Pengembangan Laboratorium” bar_type=”_default” bar_h=”3″ custom_link=”” show_on_devices=”all”][jaw_custom_text title=”Pedoman Pengembangan Laboratorium” class=”” el_id=”” bar_type=”_default” custom_link=”” show_on_devices=”all” space_after=”space_after” bar_h=”3″ ]
Pedoman Pengembangan Laboratorium Jurusan Teknik Informatika
Periode 201 7 – 2021
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The laboratory aims to research and develop control system based on microprocessor/micro-controller, particularly to support the development of IoT (Internet of Thing) and robotics. The laboratory is equipped with Digital Trainer, Workshop Equipment, 3D Printer, IoT and Robotic modules. The laboratory host the activities of students community on Automation and Robotic (ONTAKI). |
The laboratory aims to research and develop graphics & game application. It is equipped with 20 units of PC Intel Core i7, Blender, and Unity. The laboratory hosts the activities of students community on Multimedia (MAMUD). |
The laboratory aims to develops students skills on basic programming that include procedural, object oriented, data structure, etc. Java programming becomes the core of the material due to its flexibility to deal with different platforms such as web, desktop and mobile. The laboratory also hosts the activities of students community on object oriented programming (FUNJAVA). |
The laboratory aims to research and develop methods of artificial intelligent and machine learning in order to support the development of various applications spanning from natural language processing, decision support system to vision and visual perception. The research includes feature extraction, pattern recognition to intelligent and machine learning in order to deal with human and visual perception. |
The laboratory aims to research and develop mobile applications based on Android & iOS Technology. It also serves students on developing skill in mobile programmings particularly on Android & iOS programming. The laboratory is equipped with 20 units of Mac desktop and a set of mobile devices for the purpose of student research works and practicum. It is also hosts the activities of students community on mobile programming (MOCAP).
The laboratory aims to research and develop information system that mainly is based on web. Students are taught with the operation and administration of some database technology such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle. The laboratory also serves practical learning on information system development. It is also equipped with 20 units of Intel Core i7 PC desktop. The laboratory host the activities of students community on web programming (WEBOENDER). |
The laboratory aims to research and develop distributed system. It also serves practical skills on computer network based on OSI Layer. Currently it host the activities of students community on distributed system (ETHØ). |
- Software Engineering Laboratory
Software Engineering laboratory aims to research and support students on learning several scopes of software engineering that includes software development life cycle, human computer interaction, project management, and software commercialization. The laboratory also aims to produce commercial applications based on web and mobile. The laboratory becomes the incubation of startup that provides the connections to industrial world. |
HPC (High Performance Computing) Laboratory aims to research and support students on learning many subject that include improving the performance of algorithm, simulation, and modelling. The main focus of HPC laboratory is improving the performance of an algorithm, such as making the algorithm more efficient for certain task or implement it in such a way that it perform faster and more efficient (e.g Paralellization). The implementation would be helpful to solve problem or as a research material. |