Registration for Praproposal S2 (Master Study)

Registration for Praproposal S2 (Master Study)

  • Student is required to provide a website link that stores his/her praproposal document. The template for praproposal document can be obtained from this link : Registration for Praproposal
  • Requirement to propose supervisor:
    1. Student must consult to the candidate of supervisor prior to praproposal (syarat jika mengusulkan pembimbing adalah mahasiswa wajib konsultasi dengan calon pembimbing sebelum praproposal).
    2. Maximum 1 student can be proposed by each lecturer per semester with the research topic is in the scope of lecturer's expertise (Setiap dosen dapat mengusulkan maksimal 1 mahasiswa bimbingan per semester dalam topik penelitian yang menjadi keahliannya).
    3. The availability of the candidate of supervisor is referred to the latest information from Master Program.
    4. The assignment of supervisor is subject to the decision of Master Program.
    5. If the student does not propose any supervisor, the Master Program will assign a supervisor based on the research interest and the load of supervision.

  • * Required (wajib diisi)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.