Muhammad Faisal, Hani Nurhayati, Yunifa M Arif, Fahrul Kurniawan, Fressy Nugroho. (2015). Immersive Bicycle Game For Health Virtual Tour Of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78 (5), 325-328
Cancer is the leading cause of death in the world. More than 10 million people worldwide The goal of this research is to promote UIN Maliki Malang using immersive tools bicycle for human health. The system developed using combination of bicycle and computer with various sensors on the wheels, steering and brakes. The device consists of a mountain bike in front of the monitor are useful to display virtual Tour. Children’s reactions to the virtual peer indicate that their virtual peer framework is a promising platform for future behavioral studies of peer influences on children’s bicycle riding behavior. The system results shows immersive bicycle road in UIN Maliki Malang area. This system is useful for refreshing and relaxing human body