Q – Puzzle game for memorizing the recitation of Qur’an surah

Hani Nurhayati, Muhammad Faisal, and Mutaqiyuddin Romadhoni, (2017) Q – Puzzle game for memorizing the recitation of Qur’an surah. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 (20). pp. 5637-5641. ISSN 19928645



This study was aimed to support the memorizing of Quran surah by deploying the q-puzzle game. The game is established from the sections of surah that have already been erased intentionally. The surah are derived from the 30thjuz where each surah has 3 different levels. The higher the level is, the more the eliminated sections are.


Keywords: Q – Puzzle Game, Level, Sections Of Surah