Post Date: September 16, 2019
Congratulation for the achievement at BI Corner Challenge 3 that was held on 1 July-10 September 2019 is addressed to:
- Moch. Afifuddin Zuhri/15650005 as 1st Winner on Design Challenge
- Fuad Jauhari /15650067 & Hagar Prily Titania/16650031 as 2nd Winner on Design Challenge
- Muhammad Ammarullah Ridho/17650071 as 3rd Winner on Design Challenge
- Adito Wahyu Prakoso /17650081, Duvan Deswantara Putra/17650012 & Muhammad Ammarullah Ridho/17650071 as 3rd Winner on Vidio Edukasi
BI Corner Challenge is a biannual competition in technological development to promote financial literacy supported by Bank Indonesia.