Kajian Islami “Rindu Kami”: Better Understanding and Loving the Prophet Muhammad

Pamphlet of Event

Maulid Nabi is a commemoration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which is routinely held every year by listening to studies, praying and reading praises addressed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW with the intention of glorifying the dignity of the Prophet Muhammad and showing the joy of the Muslims in welcoming the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Celebration of the Prophet’s birthday in Indonesia falls on every 12th of Rabiul Awal in the Hijri calendar. The word maulid or milad in Arabic means the day of birth. The celebration of the Prophet’s birthday is a tradition that developed in Islamic society long after the dead of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In substance, this commemoration is an expression of gratitude and respect for the Prophet Muhammad.

Majlis Sholawat Al-Fataa Performance
Ustadz Hidayat Arifianto

With the topic “Rindu Kami”, this event was held on Saturday, 31 October 2020 at 08.00 PM with the speaker, Ustadz Hidayat Arifianto and filled with the performance of Majlis Sholawat Al-Fataa. The event contained events directed at Muslims to know and love the Prophet Muhammad SAW more, in addition this event also aims to sharpen and deepen knowledge and all aspects related to the life of the Prophet Muhammad and everything that the Prophet left for His people. With the holding of this Kajian Islami, it is hoped that all of us can get results according to the expectations we mentioned earlier.

Explanation of Aqliyah
Explanation of Surah Al-Ahzab Ayah 21

Alhamdulillah, this activity has been successfully carried out by the Divisi Religius of Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Informatika, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.