STATIK: Mentoring for Freshman Students of 2021

STATIK or Semarak ta’aruf of informatics engineering is a routine event held by the Department of Informatics UIN Malang to introduce new students to the world of lectures and activities in the Department of Informatics UIN Malang. This time, STATIK 2021 carries the theme “cultivating the character of informatics engineering students who are active, progressive, and have a spirit of solidarity”. STATIK 2021 will take place on the weekend for 5 days, that is 12, 18, 19, 25, and 26 September 2021.

The first day of STATIK was held on September 12, 2021. The first day of the event began with a series of opening ceremonies followed by the showing of videos about STATIK such as the introduction of the STATIK Mascot and remarks from the CO of the STATIK committee. The event continued with the first material on citizenship and Pancasila given by Mrs. Dwi Fidhayanti while Mr. Agung Tegung Wibowo Almais delivered the second material about scientific writing. Before proceeding to the next material, the committee held ice breaking games so that the participants did not get bored. The event was resumed with material on organization presented by M. Ibrahim. After this material, participants were shown an introduction to Himatif Encoder video. The material was continued by Pandu Hedo who delivered material about 4M. The series of events closed with the assistance of the STATIK group.

The second day of STATIK was held on September 18, 2021. On the second day, STATIK presented speakers from the Informatics Engineering community of UIN Malang. Participating communities include DSE, GDSC, Uinbuntu, Fun Java, ETH_0, Weboender, Ontaki, Mamud, MOCAP, UINUX, Al-Fataa, and ISC. The DSC material was delivered by Hafizhatul Kiromi MZ. DSE is a community engaged in data science. The second material about GDSC was delivered by Bintang Miftahul Huda. GDSC is a program from Google Developers designed to assist students in developing their technological skills and knowledge on Google. The third material about Uinbuntu was delivered by Aditya Prayoga. Uinbuntu is a forum for discussion related to open source for IT students. Next is the material about the Fun Java community which is delivered by Shafa Rizky. Fun Java is a community that discusses the Java programming language. The material was continued by the ETH_0 community which was delivered by M. Haffad. ETH_0 learns about computer networks and security. The Weboender material was continued by Josse Andriyanto. Weboender is a community engaged in frontend and backend website programming as well as all sectors that design and code websites. Ontaki community material was delivered by Dwi Danu. Ontaki accommodates interests, talents, and creativity in the fields of automation and robotics. Furthermore, the material from the Mamud community which was delivered by Alfin Rizky, the Mamud community studied the fields of multimedia and games. Among the introduction to the community is interspersed with guessing games. So, participants are given a photo snippet clue and they have to answer the questions given by the moderator. The event was resumed by the MOCAP community by Thoriq Harizul. MOCAP is a community engaged in mobile programming. Next is the UINUX community which was delivered by Ikhwata Andy. UINUX is engaged in UI and UX. The next community material came from the Al-Fataa community which was delivered by Abdul Wasik. The Al-fataa community is a majlis formed as a forum for sholawat lovers. The last community, namely ISC, was delivered by Riswan Ibrahim. ISC is the IT community in sports. There is something special about STATIK on the second day. On the second day, STATIK presented a guest star, namely M. Ziaelfikar Albaba as CEO of Malang Station.

The third day of STATIK was held on September 19, 2021. The third day of STATIK’s event began with the announcement of assignments and evaluations. Next, a mind mapping game was held. Participants were divided into several groups. Each group is given a problem to discuss. After that, participants will present the results of group discussions that have been made into mind mapping. This game event was fun because the participants actively participated in the activities.

The fourth day of STATIK was held on Saturday, September 25, 2021, starting with the speaker Muhammad Abel Firmansyah who brought the IT Incubation material. Here the presenters explain about IT Incubation, starting from the reason for holding it, its purpose, to the timeline for the implementation of IT Incubation. The next material was presented by Miftahul Huda as CEO of Inagata and alumni of Informatics Engineering UIN Malang. The speaker gave tips on being a creative student and provided material related to IKATI and Inagata. The event continued with the third speaker, Dimas Fahmi, who gave socialization related to the annual event held by Informatics Engineering UIN Malang, namely ICT. The fourth day of the STATIK program was continued with the speaker Bisry Syamsuri who brought material for the Summer Program which is a program majoring in Informatics Engineering and in collaboration with the National University of Malaysia in the implementation of the program. The next material was the last material in the fourth day of STATIK which was presented by riduan, namely material on FKMTIF PTAI – All Indonesia.

The fifth day of STATIK on Sunday, September 26, 2021, there will be an evaluation from SC CO Dimas Fahmi and CO Assignment, Denis AJi Pangestu to the participants. Many things were conveyed to participants related to assignments and rules that were not understood and carried out by participants. Starting from not turning on the camera while zooming without permission, not filling in attendance, writing unclear resumes, etc. The STATIK event was continued by a representative from the event group, namely Eka Mulyaningrum to lead the ice breaking activity. There were 3 ice breaking activities, namely a spinner game, reading a love letter, and sending 3 impressions during STATIK. In the spinner game, 5 children are chosen randomly to answer questions that have been prepared by the committee. Then during the reading of the love letters, several participants, selected companions and committee members read the letter addressed to them. In the last game, participants send 3 words that represent STATIK 2021 via the mentimeter web link that has been sent by the committee via chat zoom. This ice breaking activity was warmly welcomed by the participants. The event was continued by playing some videos. Starting from the videos of the best group chants, videos of the 2021 IT class, behind the scenes videos of the committee’s activities to prepare activities, after the STATIK 2021 movies, virtual papermob videos that have been prepared on the fourth day of STATIK 2021, and also video answers now. After that there are announcements for the best group and the most active group. At the end of the event, Nazhif Mu’afa Roziqiin did not forget to recite a prayer as a prayer and thanksgiving because the activity had gone smoothly until the end. Then the STATIK activity was declared complete through the closing video of the STATIK 2021 mascots Asta and Tika.