Work Meeting Himatif “ENCODER” : Program Planning 2022

Work Meeting or Work Meeting is a mandatory agenda that must be carried out by every organization, including Himatif Encoder. This working meeting aims to discuss the work program plan and the Himatif Encoder budget for one management period. The 2022 Informatics Engineering HMPS Working Meeting carries the theme “Synergizing Together Towards Superior Informatics Engineering” which will be held for 2 days on 28-29 June 2022 in a hybrid manner at the North Auditorium of the Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Malang also through a zoom meeting.
The implementation of this meeting was not only attended by the entire Himatif Encoder board in 2022, but also students and representatives of the Informatics Engineering community of UIN Malang, SEMA members, previous term delegators, as well as the head of the Informatics Engineering study program at UIN Malang, Dr. Fachrul Kurniawan, M. MT.

Participants of the 2022 Himatif Encoder Working Meeting who take part in the offline working meeting

Participants of the Himatif Encoder 2022 Working Meeting who attended the meeting via zoom meeting

There are five Plenary Sessions in the Himatif Encoder 2022 Working Meeting, including the 1st Plenary Session discussing the agenda of the event, the 2nd Plenary Session on the rules during the event, the 3rd Plenary Session related to organizational regulations for one year of management,, Plenary Session 4th on the job description of each division, and finally the 5th Plenary Session which discussed the work program of each Himatif Encoder 2022 division.

The meeting opened with the reading of the holy Quran and singing the National Anthem of Indonesia Raya and continued by speeches. Dr. Fachrul Kurniawan, M. MT in his speech said that education should still be a priority even though it has become an administrator. “I advised that being an administrator is not something that interferes with education. You must be able to complete your education on time,” he said. In addition, he also added expectations from this work meeting for the future. “I hope this work meeting can produce a good work program and of course it can be implemented by all management,” he continued. “Thus, it is hoped that it can improve the quality of performance as well as service and accreditation of Informatics Engineering at UIN Malang,” he concluded. The meeting ended with the reading of the results of the meeting and prayers by all participants present.