Internal Quality Audit XVI Cycle 2023 for Undergraduate Study Program (AMI 2023)

Internal audit of quality assurance for the Undergraduate Department in Teknik Informatika was held on 25 July 2023 with the scope included the organization structure, the curriculum, the human resources, the student information, the activity of research and publication, and every aspect composing the criteria of higher education accreditation and implementation of SPMI through the cycle of quality assurance activities carried out through 5 (five) main steps, abbreviated as PPEPP, namely Determination, Implementation, Evaluation (implementation), Control (implementation), and Improvement of Higher Education Standards.

The audit was enabled by the collaboration between the Informatics Study Program and The Quality Assurance Agency of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The Quality Assurance Agency of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang delegated some auditors to audit as follows :

  1. Hafidhun Annas, M.Hum
  2. Ahmad Makki, M.Pd
  3. dr. Putri Wulan Akbar, M. Ked. Trop.