Final registration for exams in September

Dear Master of Informatics students,

We hereby announce that the deadline for registration for exams is September 6, 2024. Students are requested to register according to the specified schedule.

  • Coordinating with the Administration of the Master of Informatics Study Program
  • Complete the following Thesis Examination requirements documents
    1. Form A
    2. Form A 1
    3. Form A 2
    4. FC S1 diploma with original legalization
    5. Transcript
    6. TOEFL
    7. Last SPP Payment Slip
    8. All files are made in 2 x (Original and Copy) yellow Snelhecter folders
    9. Proof of paper submission
    10. Download the thesis registration form

For further information regarding this matter, please contact the Master of Informatics admin. Please be sure to regularly monitor announcements on the website.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Admin Master of Informatics