International Class Meeting “Information Technology for 5.0 in Industry and Research”

The Informatics Engineering Study Program of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang held an International Class Meeting with the theme “Information Technology For 5.0 in Industry and Research” on Thursday, September 19, 2024. This event is a collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and presents the main speaker, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dalbir Singh, a leading expert in the field of information technology from the university.

The event started at 12.30 with a warm welcome from Dr. Ir. Fachrul Kurniawan, ST., M.MT., IPU, as the head of the Informatics Engineering Study Program of UIN Malang. In his remarks, he emphasized the importance of international collaboration in strengthening innovation and research in the field of information technology, as well as the relevance of the topic of Information Technology 5.0 in today’s digital era.

Dr. Dalbir Singh then delivered material on the role of Technology 5.0, which not only focuses on automation and artificial intelligence, but also integrates the human aspect in technology to create synergy between humans and machines. He explained how this trend is changing the global industrial and research landscape, encouraging more effective collaboration between humans and technology in various sectors.

This event was enthusiastically attended by lecturers, undergraduate students of Informatics Engineering, and Masters students of Informatics UIN Malang. They were invited to think critically about the opportunities and challenges in the Industry 5.0 era, as well as to encourage deeper research in this field.

With the implementation of this event, the Informatics Engineering Study Program hopes to continue to establish international cooperation in order to improve the quality of education and research that is relevant to the needs of the times.