Letter of Intent (LoI) with UTM

“Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and UIN Malang Sign LoI to Enhance Academic and Research Collaboration”. In a significant move to strengthen academic and research collaboration, the Faculty of Computing at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and the Faculty of Science and Technology along with the Master of Informatics Program at Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia, have signed a Letter of Intent (LoI). This LoI marks the beginning of a partnership aimed at fostering mutual understanding and promoting joint academic and research initiatives.

The agreement, which was signed by representatives from both institutions, outlines several key areas of collaboration. These include joint academic and research activities, student and staff development programs, community service projects, commercialization and marketing of joint projects, and other national and international collaborations.

As part of this agreement, both institutions have committed to sending delegations, led by their respective deans or appointed representatives, to visit each other’s campuses. These visits will serve as a platform for discussing and planning future collaborative efforts. The specifics of each visit will be arranged separately.

Dr. Ririen Kusumawati from UIN Malang and Ts. Dr. Nur Haliza Abdul Wahab from UTM have been appointed as the contact persons to facilitate the implementation of this collaboration. They will be responsible for addressing any issues that may arise in the context of the agreement.

This LoI, which is non-binding, will remain in effect for two years, with the possibility of revision or extension by mutual agreement. Both parties have expressed their enthusiasm for the opportunities that this partnership will bring, not only in terms of academic growth but also in contributing to the broader community through collaborative service projects.

The formalization of this partnership marks a significant step forward for both institutions as they work together to advance education and research in the fields of natural science, formal science, and technology. The collaborative efforts set forth in this LoI are expected to benefit students, staff, and the wider academic community at both UTM and UIN Malang.

LOI with UTM