Public Lecture “Exploring the World of Creativity with AMD Ryzen”

The Informatics Engineering Study Program UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang in collaboration with AMD Indonesia successfully held a public lecture with the theme “Exploring the World of Creativity with AMD Ryzen” on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at Maliki Plaza. This event presented academics from the Informatics Study Program and was lively.

The event began with singing the Indonesian National Anthem and a warm welcome from the Head of the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Dr. Ir. Fachrul Kurniawan, ST., M.MT., IPU. In his remarks, he also symbolically handed over souvenirs to representatives of AMD Indonesia.

This public lecture presented Donnie Brahmandika, A.Md., Retail and Product Enablement Manager AMD Indonesia, who provided in-depth insights into the latest developments in the AMD Ryzen AI processor. Donnie explained the innovation in the world’s strongest Neural Processor Unit (NPU), supporting productivity and creativity in various activities based on artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

In addition to the latest technology exposure, the event was also filled with interactive Q&A sessions, Kahoot Games, and ended with a group photo session. This public lecture provided many new insights to the participants, especially regarding AMD’s latest technology that is ready to support creativity in the future.