Summer program 2021 aims to share knowledge of information technology (IT) and to expand the collaboration between universities and IT communities. The program is offered to IT practitioners and university students majoring in computer science and other related IT fields. Summer program 2021 is organized by Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
Summer program 2021 is held on 5th July – 1st August 2021 by Online Meeting (The link is provided in registration).
Courses offered :
- 3D Animation: Blender Project
- Frontend Development: UI/UX using Figma
- Backend Programming: Flutter Framework for Android
Program Description
- The duration of each course is 4 weeks, four days a week (Monday to Thursday), 3 hours a day (equivalent to 3 credits/semester).
- Each participant is allowed to join only a course at no cost (free of charge).
- The activities of the program include online class sessions, online supervision, and online product exhibition & competition.
- For further information, please contact Mr. Juniardi Nur Fadila (Telp/WA: +62 85736017050, Email: & Mr. Dimas Fahmi Rizaldi (Telp/WA: +62 85856773034)
The registration is open until 3rd July, 2021.
The registration form is provided by this address:
The participant is required to provide his/her identity, select a course, and to upload his/her passport-size photograph.
Activity Committee
List of Participants
Participants Summer Program 2021
List of participant affiliation
NO Institution Number of Participant 1 UIN Malang 115 Participant 2 USIM 28 Participant 3 UKM 17 Participant 4 ITATS 2 Participant 5 ITS 2 Participant 6 SMK Telkom Malang 5 Participant 7 PENS 3 Participant 8 UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PAHANG 1 Participant 9 Polstat STIS 1 Participant 10 UNEJ 3 Participant 11 Amikom 1 Participant 12 2 Participant 13 SMK Islam Said Na’um 1 Participant 14 STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri Jakarta 1 Participant 15 UIN Walisongo 2 Participant 16 Univ.Diponegoro 2 Participant 17 Univ.Brawijaya 2 Participant 18 UNJ 1 Participant 19 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya 1 Participant 20 Universitas Sebelas Maret 3 Participant 21 Univ. teknologi Yogyakarta 1 Participant 22 Universitas Airlangga 1 Participant 23 UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta 1 Participant
Tutor 3D Animation Course
- Seta Murdha Pamungkas
- Afif Ardhyandoko
Tutor Backend Programming Course
- Billiyan Mulkan Ghifari
- Muhammad Andryan Wahyu Saputra
- Thoriq Harizul Ahsan
Tutor UI/UX Course
- Ikhawata Andy Pratama
- Nur Aslam
- Muhamad Ammarullah Ridho
- Rizki Fitriani
- Inna Fathimatuzzahro’
Course in action:
- 3d animation with blender project
- Frontend development with Figma
- Backend programming with Flutter framework for Android
Closing Program:
Event Flyer: