

Congratulation to Bintang Miftaqul Huda for the achievement as a TOP 5 GDSC in INDONESIA. For this achievement,...

Student achievements in competitions and academic publications in 2018:

3rd Winner of Capture the Flag, Hology Universitas Brawijaya Malang, 2018

Gold Medal of Ju-Jitsu Championship of East Java Province 2018

The Champion of Creative Development Competition 2018

2nd Winner of Short Movie, BI Corner Challenge 2018

2nd Winner of Competitif Programming Competition, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 2018

The Champion of Soccer Robot Competition – Technocorner UGM 2018

2nd Winner of Musabaqoh Hifdzil Qur’an 1 Juz Putri & 2nd Winner of Musabaqoh Tilawatil Qur’an, Gebyar Qur’ani 2018

The Champion (Juara Umum) of ARTMOSFAIR 2018

Student achievements in competitions and academic publications in 2017:

The Champion of ASEAN Start-Up Accelerator 1st Class 2017

The Champion of Islamic Techno Contest 2017

The Champion of TELKOM DILO HACKATON 2017

The Champion of Software Development Competition FKMTIF PTAI se-Indonesia

3rd Winner of BNI HACKFEST 1ST ROUND Malang 2017

3rd Winner of Animation Festival (Anifest) Pemprov Jatim 2017

Best Presenter on Green Tech Seminar 2017

The Champion of Quote Lettering of English Festival 2017

The Champion (Juara Umum) of ARTMOSFAIR 2017

3rd Winner of Gebyar Qur’ani 2017

Scopus indexed paper by Mutaqiyuddin Romadhoni, State Islamic University of Malang, Indonesia, Author ID: 57196376932

Scopus indexed paper by Rizal Mutaqin, State Islamic University of Malang, Indonesia, Author ID: 57202854444

Student achievements in competitions and academic publications in 2016:

Best Author on Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia 2016

Winner of Inovasi Karya Mahasiswa PWXII PTKN Se-Indonesia 2016

2nd Winner of Microsoft Tempo Hackaton 2016 Kategori UX

3rd Winner of Hackaton Ngalam 2016

Scopus indexed paper by Kurniawati, State Islamic University of Malang, Indonesia, ICACSIS 2016, Author ID: 56318767700

3rd Winner of Lomba Inovasi Teknologi Kota Malang 2016

Student achievements in competitions and academic publications in 2015:

1st Winner of Lomba Desain Robot Inovatif 2015

2nd Winner of Kompetisi RC Robot Soccer 2015

3rd Winner of Dinus Application Competition 2015


Student achievements in competitions and academic publications in 2014:

3rd Winner Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak GEMASTIK VII 2014

The Champion of Cakrawala Award 2014