The MOCAP webinar on February 6, 2022 is one of the activities organized by the MOCAP external division. This webinar raised the theme of ways to become a Mobile App Developer and was attended by more than 100 participants who were not only attended by students of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, but also from other universities.
With this webinar, we aim to provide insight for all students, such as what should be prepared? So what is there to learn about mobile? And also how is the career of a mobile developer? so that the student can prepare himself and even develop himself to be ready to become a professional mobile developer.
Remarks by Mr. Dr. Fachrul Kurniawan, ST., M. MT., IPM and Mr. Supriyono, M.KOM
This webinar was opened by Alfat Tauhidillah Akbar as the MC of the webinar event. Then, it was continued with remarks fromMr. Dr. Fachrul Kurniawan, ST., M. MT., IPM as Head of the Informatics Engineering Study Program and remarks from Mr. Supriyono, M.KOM as MOCAP Community Trustees. After that, this event was taken over by the moderator of the webinar, namely Muhammad Emilul Fata and continued with the reading of the CV of the first speaker, namely Rofi’ul Khasanah who is an Android Developer at PT. Serasi Autoraya. with Mobile App topics, such as types of Mobile App, Steps to start building a Mobile App, and criteria for a good Mobile App.
first speaker
After the presentation of the material, there was a documentation session and the first QnA speaker guided by a moderator. Then, the second speaker CV was read, namely Ahmad Saifur Ridlo, who is an Android Developer at Algostudio. With the topic of discussion about the world of work of a Mobile App Developer. And also ended with a second speaker’s documentation and QnA session.
second speaker
This webinar was well executed and closed by the webinar MC. It is hoped that by holding this webinar, all participants who take part in the webinar are able to have the provision and broad insight to step into becoming a mobile developer as expected.