Data for Master’s Thesis Proposal Supervisor June – stage 2

Below we announce the data for Thesis Proposal Advisors (Masters) for July, Even Semester 2023/2024 as follows:

No Nama Nim Mengusulkan Ditugaskan
1 Fahrendra Khoirul Ihtada 230605210033 Dr. Cahyo Crysdian
2 Achmad Fahreza Alif Pahlevi 230605210013 Dr. M. Amin Hariyadi, M.T
3 Siska Farizah Mauludah 230605220004 Dr. Yunifa Miftachul Arif, MT
4 Abdulhalim hamid Salim 230605220013 Dr. Yunifa Miftachul Arif, MT
5 U’un Setiawati 210605210011 Dr. Ririen Kusumawati, M.Kom
6 Aji Bagas Praksa 230605210016 Dr. Fresy Nugroho, MT

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