Guest Lecture on “Blockchain Fundamentals” Brings Expert from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

The Faculty of Science and Technology at Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (UIN Malang), in collaboration with the Faculty of Computing at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and the Master’s Program in Informatics at UIN Malang, held a guest lecture titled “Blockchain Fundamentals” on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. The event, conducted in a hybrid format—both offline in the Informatics Engineering meeting room and online through a virtual platform—featured Ts. Dr. Nur Haliza Binti Abdul Wahab, an expert in Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Image Processing, and Indoor Positioning.

This guest lecture aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of blockchain technology and its applications across various sectors. Participants, who joined both in-person and online, included Master’s students in Informatics, undergraduate students in Informatics Engineering, industry professionals, and alumni, all eager to gain insights from this international expert.

As blockchain technology continues to evolve and its applications expand across multiple fields, this event offered a valuable opportunity for participants to deepen their knowledge and skills while networking with a leading expert in the field. The guest lecture is expected to open new avenues of exploration and encourage further research and innovation in both academic and industrial settings.

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