Post Date: March 16, 2016
Community engagement for the orphans with theme Festival Robotic 2016 was conducted on Sunday, 13 March 2016. The event was sponsored by Yayasan Yatim Mandiri, and was enabled by the collaboration between Jurusan Teknik Informatika UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Yayasan Yatim Mandiri, and Universitas Islam Malang. Approximately hundred orphans coming from many orphanage shelters around Malang and surrounding areas joined with the event. The personals participated in this festival were:
NO | Name | Assignment |
1 | Dr. Cahyo Crysdian | Lecturer / Supervisor |
2 | Juniardi Nur Fadila | Lecturer Assistant / Supervisor |
3 | Abdul Charis Fauzan | Student / Coordinator |
4 | Muhammad Aruman Hasmi | Student / Team Member |
5 | Syaifuddin Anshori | Student / Team Member |
6 | Ahmad Misbahudin | Student / Team Member |
7 | Asifatul Mu’awanah | Student / Team Member |
8 | Fajrul Iqbal Mubarok | Student / Team Member |
9 | Ahmad Roihan | Student / Team Member |
10 | Ahmad Habibil M. | Student / Team Member |
11 | Asmarani Pratama | Student / Team Member |
12 | Jihad I. Wildan | Student / Team Member |