Promoting smart city research for engineering students
: There has been increase in the development of smart city-based systems in cities throughout the world. However, there...
Blockchain-based data sharing for decentralized tourism destinations recommendation system
Yunifa Miftachul Arif, Hani Nurhayati, Fachrul Kurniawan, Supeno Mardi Susiki Nugroho, Mochamad Hariadi. Blockchain-based data...
Designing Module E-Complaint System Based on Geotagging and Geofencing
PMNSA Basid, H Tolle, F Ramdani. (2017). Designing Module E-Complaint System Based on Geotagging and...
Q – Puzzle game for memorizing the recitation of Qur’an surah
Hani Nurhayati, Muhammad Faisal, and Mutaqiyuddin Romadhoni, (2017) Q - Puzzle game for memorizing the...
Immersive Bicycle Game For Health Virtual Tour Of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Muhammad Faisal, Hani Nurhayati, Yunifa M Arif, Fahrul Kurniawan, Fressy Nugroho. (2015). Immersive Bicycle Game...
Lung Segmentation Of X-Ray Thorax Image Using Geometric Active Contour And Analysis Of Histogram Equalization Filtering
Hariyadi, M.A., Purnomo, M.H., Hariadi, M., Purnama, K.E.I. (2013). Lung segmentation of x-ray thorax image...