Master Study (S2)

Computer Science Department, Faculty of Science & Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang organizes Master Study (S-2/Magister) Program majoring in Computer Science based on a Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 96/M/2020 dated on 28 January 2020.

Master Program of Computer Science (Magister Informatika) aims to produce high qualified human resources and advanced research in Information Technology based on the values of Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits. Learning materials for the master program consist of the core of Computer Science subject and universities subjects. The materials of Computer Science subjects compose more than 77% of learning activities which cover class courses and research activities. Expertise developed in this program intelligent system, software engineering, information system, computer network, and datamining. The students are also equipped with the capability to recognize and deploy the values of Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits in order to enrich the development of Information Technology.

Being an internationally reputable knowledge on intelligent system inspired by Al-Qur’an and Hadith (Terwujudnya keilmuan Intelligent System bereputasi internasional yang terinspirasi dari Al-Qur’an dan Hadits)

  1. Conducting research on Intelligent System and its applications inspired by Al-Qur’an and Hadith (Melakukan penelitian bidang Intelligent System dan aplikasinya yang terinspirasi dari Al-Qur’an dan Hadits)
  2. Creating scientific publication and intellectual property right (Menciptakan publikasi ilmiah dan hak kekayaan intelektual)

Creating the useful information technology in accordance with the Surah Al-‘Asr 1-3 that obeys God’s rules, has a good process and goal, and conveys the value of truth and goodness

(Menciptakan teknologi informasi yang menguntungkan sesuai dengan surat Al-‘Asr 1-3, yaitu yang patuh pada aturan Allah SWT, memiliki cara dan tujuan yang baik, serta menyampaikan nilai kebenaran dan kebaikan)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

By the declining day, Lo! man is a state of loss, Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.

Pencapaian visi keilmuan dilakukan melalui tahap-tahap proses sebagai berikut:

  • Tahap 1 (2021 – 2024) adalah tahap awal penetapan visi keilmuan yang ditandai dengan capaian berikut:
    • Minimal 1 publikasi tiap dosen pada journal terindeks Scopus/Web of Science
    • Minimal 1 publikasi mahasiswa pada journal terindeks Scopus/Web of Science
  • Tahap 2 (2024 – 2027) adalah tahap pertumbuhan keilmuan yang ditandai dengan capaian berikut:
    • Minimal 2 publikasi tiap dosen pada journal terindeks Scopus/Web of Science
    • Minimal 2 publikasi mahasiswa pada journal terindeks Scopus/Web of Science
  • Tahap 3 (2027 – 2030) adalah tahap capaian visi keilmuan yang ditandai dengan capaian berikut:
    • Minimal 2 publikasi tiap dosen pada journal terindeks Scopus/Web of Science
    • Minimal 4 publikasi mahasiswa pada journal terindeks Scopus/Web of Science


SK Dekan VMTS Keilmuan

Organization Structure

Milestones :

Past Managements:

Prof. Dr. Suhartono S.Si M.Kom

Head of Master Department

Dr. Muhammad Faisal, M.T

Secretary of Master Department

Current Management:

Dr. Cahyo Crysdian, M.Cs

Head of Master Department

Dr. Ririen Kusumawati, M.Kom

Secretary of Master Department