Strategic Collaboration with PT Bio Farma to Building the Future of Indonesia’s Digital Talent

PT Bio Farma (Persero) has taken a significant step forward to strengthen Indonesia’s digital ecosystem by visiting the Informatics Engineering Department of the Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. This strategic visit, which took place on Thursday, February 29, 2024, from 09.00 to 11.00 WIB, aimed to explore collaboration opportunities in empowering digital talent.

The event began with a presentation about the profile of the Informatics Engineering Department by Dr. Fachrul Kurniawan, ST., M.MT., IPM, the Head of the Department. He highlighted the achievements and innovations made by the students and alumni, as well as the department’s vision of producing competent human resources in the field of information technology.

PT Bio Farma, a leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia that is now expanding its wings in the digital field, also introduced the profile of Bio Farma Digital. This session discussed various digital initiatives that have been and will be implemented to support innovation in the health and pharmaceutical sectors.

The event’s peak was a discussion and exchange of ideas, where both parties explored potential collaborations that could be undertaken. This ranged from joint research development internship programs for students, to the opportunity for incubating startups in the digital health sector. Both institutions shared the same vision of utilizing technology for societal advancement, especially in improving Indonesia’s access to quality healthcare services.

“We are very enthusiastic about the potential of this collaboration. PT Bio Farma has a strong commitment to supporting digital innovation, and we believe that synergy with UIN Malang’s Computer Science Department will pave the way for the development of digital talent that can significantly contribute to Indonesia,” said a representative from PT Bio Farma.

Dr. Fachrul Kurniawan, ST., M.MT., IPM, expressed his hopes for the collaboration, “This collaboration is a valuable initial step in realizing an inclusive and sustainable digital ecosystem. We hope this will become a model for future collaborations between industry and academia, especially in producing excellent digital talent.”

This visit marks a new chapter in the joint effort to strengthen the foundation of Indonesia’s digital talent, hoping to spur innovation and growth across various sectors, especially health. Through this collaboration, PT Bio Farma and the Informatics Engineering Department of UIN Malang are committed to being part of the positive change for Indonesia’s digital future.