Internal Quality Audit Cycle XVI-th 2023 for Master Study (AMI 2023)

Internal Audit Cycle XVI-th 2023 for Master Study in Computer Science has been held  on July 26th 2023. The auditor were Hafidhun Annas, M.Hum, Ahmad Makki, M.Pd, dr. Putri Wulan Akbar, M. Ked. Trop from Quality Assurance Agency of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (LPM/Lembaga Penjamin Mutu). The audit evaluated the implementation of  Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI/Sistem Penjamin Mutu Internal) that included the operational of Computer Science Department, the academic atmosphere, the collaboration effort, the research activities and publication, community development program, student body and activities, and the alumni. The audit also measured the achievement of  performance indicators that were defined to monitor the program implementation to achieve the knowledge vision of this department.

The scope of evaluation included:

  1. Department profile
  2. External environment analysis
  3. Academic performance indicator
    • Knowledge vision and graduate competence
    • Organization structure, operation, and collaboration
    • Student and alumni
    • Human resources management
    • Learning process management
    • Research activities
    • Community development program
    • Output and outcome


External references:

Tingkatkan Kualitas Pelaksanaan Audit, LPM Adakan Evaluasi AMI Siklus XVI Bersama Auditor

Tuntas, 49 Program Studi UIN Malang telah Diaudit Secara Akademik dalam AMI SIklus XVI Tahun 2023

Amati Proses Audit Lapangan di Berbagai Program Studi, Begini Kesan Observer AMI Siklus XVI

LPM UIN Malang Libatkan Observer dari Berbagai Perguruan Tinggi pada Pelaksanaan AMI Siklus XVI