Academic Evaluation Meeting for Even Semester T.A 2023/2024

Informatics Engineering Study Program of State Islamic University (UIN) Malang held an Academic and Marketing Evaluation Meeting for Even Semester of Academic Year 2023/2024. This meeting aims to evaluate academic achievements and design marketing strategies to improve the quality and attractiveness of study programs.

The meeting, which was held in the meeting room of the Informatics Engineering Study Program on Thursday (24/01), was attended by lecturers, staff, and related parties of the Informatics Engineering Study Program.

The Head of the Study Program, Dr. Fachrul Kurniawan, opened the meeting with a warm welcome. He expressed his appreciation for the hard work of all elements involved in the management and development of the study program. “This evaluation is important to see the extent of our achievements and evaluate marketing strategies so that the Informatics Engineering Study Program is more advanced and leading.

During the evaluation meeting, data on academic achievements such as the number of students who graduated on time, achievement index achievements, and student attendance rates were presented. In addition, marketing strategies involving increased promotion, cooperation with industry, and improved learning support facilities were also discussed.

Head of the Study Program Dr. Fachrul Kurniawan, emphasized to always improve the quality and competitiveness of the Informatics Engineering Study Program. “This study program has a strategic role in producing graduates who are ready to compete in the digital industry. We must continue to innovate and adapt to technological developments.

The Academic Evaluation and Marketing Meeting for Even Semester T.A 2023/2024 is expected to be a momentum to formulate strategic steps to improve the quality of education and the attractiveness of the Informatics Engineering Study Program at UIN Malang. With the spirit of collaboration and continuous improvement, it is hoped that this study program will continue to be the first choice for prospective students who are interested in developing careers in the field of information technology.