Seven research priorities of IT 2024 from the Ministry of Religion

In the academic evaluation meeting, Head of the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Dr. Fahrul Kurniawan said that the Indonesian Ministry of Religion currently has 7 priority programs that can be used as research themes. These programs are strengthening religious moderation, digital transformation, year of religious tolerance, revitalization of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), religious harmony index (KUB), independence of Islamic boarding schools, and Cyber Islamic University.

The Informatics Engineering Study Program has a great opportunity to develop research on themes related to the Ministry of Religion’s priority programs. Here are several reasons why Informatics Engineering can play an important role in supporting these programs:

Digital Transformation:
Informatics Engineering can contribute to designing and implementing information technology solutions that support digital transformation in the religious sector. Developing digital applications and platforms to facilitate public access to religious information.

Cyber Islamic University:
This study program can play a role in developing curriculum and online learning platforms to support the establishment of a Cyber Islamic University. Research in the field of e-learning, virtual classrooms, and online learning technology can be a focus for improving the quality of religious education.

KUA Revitalization:
Informatics Engineering can support KUA with technological solutions to improve administrative processes, data management, and online services related to marriage and divorce.

Strengthening Religious Moderation:
Research in the areas of online sentiment analysis and online extremism detection can help in understanding and addressing potential religious threats.

Religious Index:
The use of data mining techniques and statistical analysis can help in developing indicators and metrics to measure the level of religiosity and tolerance in society.

Islamic Boarding School Independence: Informatics Engineering can support Islamic boarding schools in developing technology solutions for data management, financial management, and technology-based education.

Year of Harmony:
Development of applications and platforms to support campaigns or events related to the Year of Harmony. Analyze social data to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of harmony programs.

By utilizing expertise in the field of Informatics Engineering, this research can make a significant contribution to supporting and advancing the Ministry of Religion’s priority programs. It is important to establish collaboration between academics, practitioners, and government to ensure effective implementation of research results in supporting religious and diversity goals.