First Biggest Event In East Java in 2019 (Creative Ideas in Development) is one of the events initiated by UKM embryos, namely MOTIVE Studio (Multimedia and Robotic Creative Studio) which is a combination of MAMUD (Multimedia) and ONTAKi (Robotic) communities.

This event is the first event conducted by Motive Studio has 2 events namely competitions and talk shows. There are 5 branches of the competition:

  1. Line followers
  2. Robot Sumo
  3. IoT (Internet of Things)
  4. Games
  5. Cinematography

While for the talk show, 3 big speakers were invited namely:

Iqbal Hariadi, HoM ( Home of Marketing)
lucky Esa, M.B.A, co-founder of MobileMonday ID
Rendy Maulana, CEO of Qwords
Besides, after the national talk show, a thematic class will be held with 6 classes, namely: Healthtech, Agritech, E-tourism, Games, Data Science and big data
This event began on November 29-30 2019, at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang