Evaluation Curriculum 2015

The course in Jurusan Teknik Informatika UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang is offered to the students which seek knowledge on developing algorithm & methods of computing in order to build smart computer applications/system from the perspective of four different knowledge area i.e. Intelligence, Software Engineering, Information System and Multimedia that can be described as follows:

  • Computer Science focuses on developing intelligent algorithm and methods to achieve accurate decision, optimized process & minimize complexity in order to support decision making, machine learning, information visualization and computer modeling.
  • Software Engineering focuses on developing multi-platform application/system based on web & mobile, and to model the mechanism of software development in order to extend the life cycle of computer application/system.
  • Information System focuses developing computer application/system in order to fulfill organization needs.
  • Multimedia focuses on developing applications & methods to integrate a set of media such as graphic, audio and video in order to build computer game and animation.

The curriculum of Jurusan Teknik Informatika UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has been developed based on IEEE/ACM Computer Science Curricula 2013 and Indonesia’s National Qualification Framework (KKNI / Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia). Definition of Graduate Profiles is given as follow:

No Graduate Profiles Competences
1 Software Developer Able to build computer algorithm and computer program.

Able to develop computer application and computer system based on the technology of intelligent, vision, visualization and modeling.

Able to develop computer application and computer system based on the technology of object-oriented, distributed and multi-platform.

2 IS Engineer Able to build computer algorithm and computer program.

Able to analyze and fulfill organization requirements through the development of information system.

3 Game & Multimedia Developer Able to build computer algorithm and computer program.

Able to develop creative game and simulation based on immersive and intelligent technology.

4 Researcher & Academician Able to solve global issues through scientific approach by utilizing the power of computing which is inspired by Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits.



Total credit of the curriculum of Jurusan Teknik Informatika is 151 credits (SKS) that consists of:
• University subjects (Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian / MPK): 34 credits (SKS).
• Core subjects in computer science that are composed by:
a. Compulsory subjects : 105 credits (SKS).
b. Optional subjects:  The students are required to take minimal 12 credits out of 30 credits (SKS).


No Code Subjects Name SKS Prerequisite
1 1700101 Pancasila 2
2 1700102 Kewarganegaraan 2
3 1700103 Bahasa Indonesia 2 – 
4 1400112 Bahasa Arab ( Maharat al-Istima’ I ) 1
5 1400114 Bahasa Arab ( Maharat al-Kalam’ I ) 2
6 1400115 Bahasa Arab ( Maharat al-Qira’ah I ) 2
7 1400113 Bahasa Arab ( Maharat al-Kitabah I ) 1
8 1565001 Foundation of Computing 2
9 1565002 Calculus 3
10 1565003 Algorithm & Programming 1 3
11 1565031 Algorithm & Programming 1 Practicum 1
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No Code Subjects Name SKS Prerequisite
1 1400116 Bahasa Arab ( Maharat al-Istima’ II ) 1
2 1400118 Bahasa Arab ( Maharat al-Kalam’ II ) 2
3 1400119 Bahasa Arab ( Maharat al-Qira’ah II ) 2
4 1400117 Bahasa Arab ( Maharat al-Kitabah II ) 1
5 1565004 Discrete Mathematics 3
6 1565005 Linear Algebra 2
7 1565006 Data Structure 3 1565003
8 1565007 Algorithm & Programming 2 2 1565003
9 1565008 Digital Electronic 3
10 1565032 Data Structure Practicum 1
11 1565033 Digital Electronic Practicum 1
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No Code Subjects Name SKS Prerequisite
1 1400107 Filsafat Ilmu 2
2 1400109 Studi Fiqh 2 Ma’had
3 1400111 Sejarah Peradaban Islam 2
4 1400103 Bahasa Inggris I 3
5 1565009 Statistics 2
6 1565010 Object Oriented Programming 3 1565007
7 1565011 Database 3 1565006
8 1565012 Computer System 3 1565008
9 1565034 Object Oriented Programming Practicum 1
10 1565036 Database Practicum 1
11 1565037 Computer System Practicum 1
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No Code Subjects Name SKS Prerequisite
1 1400108 Studi al-Qur’an dan al-Hadits 2 Ma’had
2 1400110 Teosofi 2
3 1400104 Bahasa Inggris II 3
4 1565013 Numerical Methods 2 1565009
5 1565014 Web Programming 3 1565010
6 1565015 Software Engineering 3 1565010
7 1565016 Computer Graphic 2 1565010
8 1565017 Computer Network 3 1565012
9 1565038 Web Programming Practicum 1
10 1565039 Software Engineering Practicum 1
11 1565041 Computer Graphic Practicum 1
12 1565042 Computer Network Practicum 1
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No Code Subjects Name SKS Prerequisite
1 1565018 Artificial Intelligence 3 1565004
2 1565019 Computer Vision 3 1565004
3 1565020 Mobile Programming 2 1565010
4 1565021 Information System 3 1565011, 1565015
5 1565022 Multimedia & Game Programming 3 1565016
6 1565023 Distributed System & Security 3 1565017
7 1565035 Mobile Programming Practicum 1
8 1565040 Information System Practicum 1
9 1565043 Multimedia & Game Programming Practicum 1
10 1565044 Distributed System Practicum 1
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No Code Subjects Name SKS Prerequisite
1 1565024 Research Methodology 2
2 1565025 Geographical Information System 2
3 1565026 Operation Research 2
4 1565027 Human Computer Interaction 3
5 1565028 Operating System 3
6 1565045 Geographical Information System Practicum 1
7 1565049 SOFT COMPUTING (OPT SUBJ 1)* 3 1565018
8 1565051 SOFTWARE QUALITY (OPT SUBJ 1)* 3 1565015
10 1565055 SCENARIO DESIGN (OPT SUBJ 1)* 3 1565022
12 1565046 Internship (PKLI) 4 Student has collected credits (SKS) >= 100 sks
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(OPT SUBJ 1)* = Optional Subject 1, each student is required to take 2 subjects out of 5 subjects offered


No Code Subjects Name SKS Prerequisite
1 1565029 Technopreneurship 2
2 1565030 Project Management 2
3 1565050 VISUALIZATION & MODELING (OPT SUBJ 2)* 3 1565019
4 1565052 SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT (OPT SUBJ 2)* 3 1565015
5 1565054 IT GOVERNANCE (OPT SUBJ 2)* 3 1565021
6 1565056 CREATIVE GAME & ANIMATION (OPT SUBJ 2)* 3 1565022
8 1565047 Seminar Research Proposal 2 1565024 (Research methodology)

1565046 (Internship / PKLI)

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(OPT SUBJ 2)* = Optional Subject 2, each student is required to take 2 subjects out of 5  subjects offered


No Code Subjects Name SKS Prerequisite
1 1565048 Undergraduate Thesis (Skripsi) 6 1565047 (Seminar Proposal)

Comprehensive Exam (Ujian Komprehensif)

T o t a l 6


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